Friday 19 July 2013

Adventures of Deadly 60

cbbc kids, bbc cbbc iplayer, cbbciplayer,On the famous and popular TV show, Deadly 60, the host of the show, Steve has traveled to almost all continents for finding the 60 of the utmost dreaded, lethal, venomous creatures on the planet, which includes Mexico’s dangerous squid “red devil”, giant Pacific octopus, tarantula hawk wasps, sharks, raccoon and a lot of other poisonous animals. Steve Backshall, who is an adventurer as well as a naturalist has a mission, who is ready to travel all over the globe searching for the deadliest and poisonous animals in the world. Viewers deadly 60, the deadly 60, deadly 60 series,will be able to experience very near encounters that have all types of striking wild animals; with every animal having dangerous traits, you will be able to see why these deadly animals are the king of the wild habitat. The viewers will feel the rush of adrenaline as they watch this show. Children are the main spectators of this show and they love this show a lot; they are very curious to know more about these deadly creatures and to explore the world of wild animals overall.

Showcases 3 Deadly, Poisonous Creatures Every Episode

deadly 60 animals, deadly 60 steve, steve deadly 60,This show has been presented in great impact with series of documentary on nature as well as wildlife. In every of its season, the most adventurous zoologist of Britain, Steve Backshall mostly travels all across the globe to choose 60 of the most poisonous, interesting and deadly species of animals, starting from the insects to some huge gigantic creatures, lot of predators, others only armed with poisonous, deadly and defensive ways. Each episode showcases at least 3 or even more of these deadly animals, along with the geographical conditions or the killing mode. Some of the additional episodes are also dedicated for the extras like “the making of”. From gigantic poisonous creatures to some deadly crocodiles in saltwater, their lethal attracts the host who is an expert of wildlife, Steve Backshall, goes to six different continents for 6 months for finding his list of the most 60 fatal animals in the world.

Showcases the Features of Deadly Animals

deadly 60 dash, cbbc iplayer, iplayer cbbc,Watching this program will enable us to know more about the characteristics as well as features of the deadly, poisonous animals in our habitat. The show, in fact, proves that whenever it comes to the survival battle or combat, size isn’t of any significance in such cases. On his mission in finding the creatures that many others totally avoid in their entire lifetime, Steve dares to encounter some of the animals which pack a powerful punch at their own environmental conditions. From plenty of things that are infamous to unexpected events, this lethal global venture looks out for oceans, deserts, savannas, islands, jungles and mountains to see sixty of the utmost deadly, yet fascinating creatures this planet has ever seen. Travelling all over Asia including India, and South Africa, Australia, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Europe, North America and South America, Steve encounters plenty of creatures in Deadly 60 whose distinct appearances as well as masterful skills of hunting make these animals the mind blowing beasts of the nature. Are you brave enough to meet these deadly animals now?

Adventures of Deadly 60

Tuesday 9 July 2013

About the 4 O'Clock Club

4 o'clock club, british television shows, four o clock club, 4 oclock club,Premiered in the year 2012, the 4 O’Clock Club is an immensely popular television series for children. It was premiered on the CBBC – the BBC channel aimed at the 4 to 12 year old children. The show has been nominated by BAFTA.

The plot

The plot of the 4 O’Clock Club revolves around the two Carter brothers and rap music. Josh Carter is the primary lead. He is a 13 year old, mischievous and confident teenager who attends the Elmsbury High school. He has a fervent desire and dream of becoming a rapping star. There is just one problem. His elder brother, Nathan Carter. Nathan Carter used to be a student of the same school, a decade back. He had the same mischievous persona and rapping addiction. But, his conduct wasn’t received well in the school. He was a disgrace by the time he walked out of Elmsbury High. De-motivated, he opted for teacher training and his first job as an English teacher brought him back to Elmsbury High. He sees his own brother embarking on the same path he had 10 years back and hence tries to prevent him from doing the same. This results in frequent full blown conflicts between the two brothers, in the backdrop of their much beloved rap music.

 The main characters

4 clock club, tv series the british, o clock club, tv series british,The 4 O’Clock Club features an array of characters set in the backdrop of the Elmsbury High. Some of them are as follows:

  • Josh Carter, as mentioned before, is the main lead who wages a war against his own brother in his desire of becoming a rap star.

  • Nathan Carter is Josh’s elder brother, who was once a disgraced student of the Elmsbury High and now teaches English there. The title of the series, 4 O’Clock Club, refers to the post school detention class that is run by Nathan.

  • Melanie Poppy is the music teacher at Elmsbury High. Nathan Carter has had a crush on her since the time he joined the school as a teacher.

  • Ryan Wood features as one of Josh Carter’s best friends. He is a nerdy, guileless boy who is often manipulated by the more mischievous ones. He is a regular in the detention class.

  • Molly Taylor is an extremely loud and quite rude character who is a pupil of the same school. She too is a regular in the detention class.

  • Ash Newman is one of Josh’s best friends and a first grade troublemaker. As a result, he ends up in the detention class frequently. Characterized as vain, Ash is also seen to be teasing Ryan constantly.

  • Mr Byron is the headmaster of Elmsbury High. He had been disapproving of Nathan when he was a student. He featured as the headmaster only in the first series of the 4 O’Clock Club.

free television shows, cbbc iplayer, iplayer cbbc, cbbc kids,

This 4 O’Clock Club series had had its 1st season the in the year 2012, followed by the airing of the second season in the beginning of the year 2013. A third season of this series is in the pipeline. It is due to be released in the year 2014.

About the 4 O'Clock Club

Tuesday 2 July 2013

OOglies: A Series of Fun Filled Stories

ooglies, the ooglies, childrens television, OOglies is the creation of two people- Nick Hopkin and Austin Low (creators of OOGlies). The idea jumped out of a bag of googly eyes, which Nick and Austin gave to their team as a source of inspiration. The very next day, their team returned with a bunch of household items wearing plastic eyes.  The result was hilarious and so is the idea of such characters. Soon the team started experimenting with sitcom-style scenarios and silly voices, which turned out well. OOglies were born out of a very basic yet a highly visual idea. The base of the act is slapstick comedy topped with creative stories.

Players Behind The Scene – OOglies

tv series for kids, shows for kids, shows for children,Nick and Austin presented their ideas to Anne Gilchrist, CBBC controller. In two weeks, they received the contract of creating 13-part series of OOglies. This stop-motion animation was first aired on 2009, August 10. Every episode being displayed is 15 minutes long. Tim Dann, Shelley Longworth and Peter Dickson have given their voices to the character of the series. Stories here are written by Austin Low, Nick Hopkin and Tim Dann.

A Series of Popular Gags

children tv shows, kids television, tv shows for kids,The episode starts with a silly safety announcement: “Attention all humans. The stunts you are about to witness have been performed by trained OOglies. Under no circumstances should children or silly adults attempt to do any of the actions you see in the programme.” The group of characters appears multiple times with similar gags. It’s fun to see them meet and pull yet another gag.

  • The clumsy Melonhead and Playful Grapes - A group playful green grapes are busy in activity (like skipping or sliding) until a heavy watermelon jump in from nowhere and ends up squashing the playing grapes.

  • Strawberry Lovers – Two strawberries are in love. They cannot meet each other, as they are standing on different counters. Male lover tries hard and built a spaghetti pool. In desire to get across, he falls and ends up being squashed.

  • Boo Potato – A naughty potato lays “traps” for other OOglies to come and watch. When the OOGlies are close to the trap, hiding potato jumps out and scares OOglies with a “BOO!”

  • The Cherry-aiders – A Bunch of cherries fly in an air ambulance to help a hurt Cookie OOglie. They wrap him in bandages, creating more trouble for the injured Cookie.

  • Mr. Bun and Racey Bacon - A slice of terrified bacon is trying to hide from bun, disguising itself. After its success of escaping from the bun, something bad happens to it in the end (such as being splashed with ketchup or water).

  • Stunt Tomato - A daredevil tomato wearing mask and cape tries to perform tricks for three little tomatoes, but ends up squashing himself on the rooftop.

  • Lonely Sprout - A sprout tries to befriend other OOglies but ends up failing. He tries to help other OOglies in action, but no one shows interest in him.

childrens tv, kids tv series, childrens shows,These are just a few episodes, there are many which are stuffed with comical and entertaining stories. So, if haven’t yet watched OOglies, you are really missing something.

OOglies: A Series of Fun Filled Stories